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    Who We Are
    We are a team of active and retired firefighters, fire officers, cancer survivors, and advocates who are dedicated to reducing cancer incidents among Public Safety Officers and employees.
    What We Do
    We are an educational non-profit that provides resources and assistance to Public Safety Officers and employees. We provide support, guidance, and resources when diagnosed with cancer.
    How to Get Involved
    Join the movement and find the opportunities to protect yourself and your department members. Find resources in the model language section that you can adapt to your department. Get Educated, Be Proactive.


    Jun 27, 2024

    Firefighters in Connecticut say in a newly filed federal lawsuit that the protective gear designed to keep them safe has been contaminated by cancer-causing chemicals. Tribune Content Agency 6.27.
    Jun 26, 2024

    Todd LeDuc asks: What’s stopping us from truly changing the fire service culture when it comes to cancer risk mitigation? FE Contributor 6.25.2024 Robert Kennedy famously said, “Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream of things that were never and say why not.


    Welcome to the WSCFF
    Cancer Foundation 
    In Honor of Bill Hoover

    Bill Hoover co-founded the Washington State Chapter of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and worked tirelessly towards the mission and values of our organization. Learn more...

    Request Assistance

    We provide assistance to all active or retired First Responders - Police, Fire, EMS, and Dispatchers (paid or volunteer) - or their immediate family members who have been diagnosed with cancer. To receive assistance, complete the REQUEST ASSISTANCE form

    Welcome to the Bill Hoover Memorial Cancer Foundation, formerly the Firefighter Cancer Support Network - Washington Chapter (FCSN-WA). Since spring of 2011, we have been an educational non-profit organization funded by generous donations from partner organizations and support from the Washington State Council of Firefighters. Launched in January 2025, the WSCFF Cancer Foundation continues to provide the same high level of service and attention to the Firefighters in Washington because of the support provided by you.

    Give to the WSCFF Cancer Foundation Today


    We would like to recognize the organizations that have provided valuable contributions to our program in excess of $1000.

    Snohomish County Pipes and Drums
    Seattles Bravest Charity

    Donation Page


    Click Here to Donate

WSCFF Cancer Foundation
In memory of Bill Hoover
1439 8th Place South
Edmonds, WA 98020

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