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Healthy In - Healthy Out
Best practices for Reducing Fire fighter Risk of Exposures to Carcinogens

 Mission Statement:
 The goal of this best practices manual is to encourage safe and healthy practices from the first day as a Fire Fighter to retirement. A career in the Fire service exposes Fire Fighters to deadly carcinogens at every Fire. This manual identifies the best practices that reduce Fire Fighter risk of exposure to carcinogens.

 Cancer may never be eliminated from the Fire service, but steps must be taken to reduce the number of Fire Fighters being diagnosed and dying every year. Common sense practices,equipment and guidelines are all components of these best practices.

Funding and support for this project has been provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, Safety & Health Investment Projects.

note: Click on the photo to download your copy

Healthy In, Healthy Out is a publication of the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters. If you want copies of the brochure, available in both English and Spanish, or have questions about the project, please contact us:
Email: info@wscff.org

or  hiho@wscff.org

Gross Decontamination Begins at the Fire Scene Studies have shown that the products of combustion contain contaminants known to cause cancer in Humans.
Buckets delivered as of July 1.xlsx
Bucket price list.doc
On April 20th, Beth Gallup, Bob Dirham and Bill Hoover debuted the Healthy in Healthy Out Presentation at the 2016 WSCFF Spring Ed seminar in Spokane, WA. Below is a link to the presentatin to download and review. For questions or materials, please contact us through the links above.

Page Last Updated: Jul 23, 2017 (14:04:00)
1439 8th Place South
Edmonds, WA 98133

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