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Eric Monroe

Eric retired as a Battalion Chief with the Shoreline Fire Department and has been in the Fire Service since 1984 when he started as a volunteer firefighter.  Beginning his professional career in 1990, he has taken on many roles and responsibilities.  One of his most important roles started in 2011 as the Washington State Director of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.  In his role as director, Battalion Chief Monroe recruited and leads a team of District Reps who provide cancer support and prevention education throughout the state.

Battalion Chief Monroe has more than 10 years of experience with Firefighter Health and Safety serving as an ACE Certified Peer Fitness Trainer, Health and Wellness Coordinator and Safety Committee member.  Battalion Chief Monroe’s varied background in fire service operations as well as Firefighter Health and Wellness provide the perfect foundation for teaching awareness and prevention education but most importantly, providing personal assistance and support to firefighters and their families when facing a diagnosis of cancer through a national network of mentors.

In 2011, Eric co-founded the Washington State Chapter of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and continues to serve as the State Director

(206) 940-7352

Bill Hoover

In 2011 Bill Hoover co-founded the Washington State Chapter of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and worked tirelessly towards the mission and values of our organization.  He spent countless hours in committees bringing forward quality work to help address the fire service cancer issue. In 2020, he was part of the leadership that addressed a new challenge facing the world when Kirkland Fire Department responded to the first cases of COVID in the United States. The Seattle Kraken Unity fund “Hero’s of the Deep” program recognized Bill for his efforts at the beginning of the pandemic and awarded him a $32,000 grant to go towards a non-profit of choice in the Pacific Northwest—he chose the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and for this we are grateful.

In July 2023,  Bill lost his life alongside his loving wife Kristy in a tragic automobile accident.

Throughout his career, Bill was instrumental in championing Health and Safety for firefighters in Washington State including development of the PIIERS program as well as Healthy in—Healthy out.  He was an active member of the Washington State Council of Firefighters Health and Safety Committee working on higher level opportunities like presumptive language and fire safety initiatives.  Battalion Chief Hoover delivered many presentations to address the cancer issue throughout the state and as a cancer survivor himself mentored many other firefighters diagnosed with cancer.

Bill’s unique leadership style, knowledge, professionalism, and humor will be deeply missed by the members of FCSNWA and we will work hard to provide the services with the passion that he modeled for us.

Education and Event Division Coordinator
Craig Hooper

Craig started his career in the Fire Service in June of 1991 and currently holds the rank of Battalion Chief For Eastside Fire and Rescue.  He has served in many capacities in the department and was the Union President for over 15 years with 2 different organizations.  As a member of the Peer Support Team at Eastside since its inception in 2003, Craig brings experience of helping firefighters learn about on the job stressors and helps them learn to deal with the emotional impacts. Craig strongly believes in awareness and prevention. 

Pat Ellis

District Rep / Mentor
Adam Lamb

District Rep / Mentor
Mike Kithcart

District Rep
Erik Taylor

District Rep
Josh Proctor

Josh has been in the fire service since January 2002. Like many others, he began his career as a volunteer while going through school then was hired in 2005 as a firefighter/paramedic and promoted to engineer. In 2008, he helped his department charter a local of the IAFF in 2008 (Local 4696) and served as president from 2008-2013.

He has also worked as the departments EMS coordinator and has taught many EMS subjects over the years.

Previously, Josh worked for Life Flight for 3 years in Utah and traveled all over Utah presenting for Life Flight.

District Rep
Dane Hammond

Instructor / Mentor

John Johnson
With a background in teaching prior to his Fire Service career, John provides educational presentations for our group. John is currently a Lieutenant with Gig Harbor Fire with over 20 years of experience.

District Rep / Mentor
Dan Ward

Dan Ward is a Captain on Engine 1 with the Spokane Valley Fire Department.  Dan began his professional career in the Fire Service in 1997.  During Dan’s career he has been active in Union leadership and through his support of various Charities and Foundations.  Dan is a yearly participant in the Firefighter Stairclimb benefitting the LLS and also a strong supporter of the Anna Schindler Foundation, a local charity dedicated to family assistance during childhood cancer treatment. 

Captain Ward’s time in the Fire Service and his own experience with Presumptive Cancer give him a strong background to provide assistance and support to firefighters and their families when facing a diagnosis of cancer.

(509) 991-5804
District Rep
Jerid Hildebrand

Welcome Jerid who joins us as a Paramedic / Firefighter with the city of Pullman WA.

I’ve been working in EMS field since 2006 when I exited the Marine Corps and has been a career firefighter since Jan 8 2016.

(509) 295-1011
District Rep
Steve Austin
Steve Austin is a Firefighter/Paramedic with Richland Fire.



WSCFF Cancer Foundation
In memory of Bill Hoover
1439 8th Place South
Edmonds, WA 98020

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